N Lauderdale 4 OP’s 3 Chairs Dental Practice for Sale



  • Additional Room for Expansion


In N Lauderdale on 441 (N State Rd 7) inside a Retail Plaza Dental Practice for Sale from a Retiring Dentist that would be able to transition for 6 months, if the new Doctor requested. N Lauderdale dental practice has 4 OP’s, 3 Chairs with a leasable area of 1,100 SF, and a monthly rent about $2,600. The new Dentist will receive in custody a pool of patients, where most of them are PPO’s & FFS. Seller is retiring and only works 3 days a week and see in average 5 -7 patients per schedule. For the incoming Doctor working more days and doing in house what is referred out (Ortho, Pedo, Endo, Surgery, Perio Surgery, and Implants) will represent and immediate possibility of growing the office from its current collections of $150k annually to more.

The seller is reducing the sale price by 21% in search of a quick sale



  • ID: 5392
  • Published: March 5, 2022
  • Last Update: May 3, 2022
  • Views: 1338