For sure you would do everything to avoid it happens. If that is your normal reaction, just take a time to re-read your lease contract agreement and find out whether or not you have exclusivity to stay as the only dental office in your retail plaza. Huge and median corporations are going to hunting good places to grow their branches and attach value to their brand. Before be too late, take the time and read and be familiar with the terms you signed in your lease contract, if you don’t have the time, this platform giving you the opportunity to get a referral for a Dental Business Lawyer

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Hector Yusti
Our Dental Broker Specialist, Hector Yusti, has been serving the South Florida Market since 2013, having sold for the last 8 years more than 80 Dental Offices in the counties of Miami-Dade, Broward & Palm Beach. If you have ever thought of selling your practice, you are in the right place, call Hector Yusti. You also have the option to sell your practice yourself, whatever way you would like to sell your practice we have your back!