Updated information about COVID-19 Related Temporary Loss of Revenue
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If you have already taken advantage of all the provided information and proceeded to apply to the different programs, congratulations! If not, continue reading as there are important updates.
The SBA relief financial options backed for the Federal Government through the Small Business Administration has exhausted much of its capacity to serve out more applications as of April 16th, 2020 for the following loan relief financial programs the Paycheck Protection Program and the Economic Injury Disaster Loan Emergency Advance (including the EIDL).
Both programs have a Lapse in Appropriations, which means the SBA is currently unable to accept new applications based on available appropriations funding.
Applicants who have already submitted their applications will continue to be processed on a first-come, first-served basis.
What can you do?
Because it is a continually evolving situation, the best you can do as a small business owner is to take advantage of any aid programs as soon as they become available. You already witness how in only 13 days after being released the financial relief programs, the amount approved of $350M was exhausted.
My advice is that you apply ASAP with the banks that are still receiving applications. Given the severity of the coronavirus pandemic, the economic crisis, and the unemployment rates on the rise, it is possible that Congress will authorize additional funding for these programs. Therefore, you want to have your application already in line for when that happens.
You can Apply to SBA relief options financials programs directly with your bank. Following are the links to the website information of the more active banks in the dentistry field:
● Chase for Business; SBA loan update
● Bank-of-America-coronavirus; Important update on the Paycheck Protection Program
● Wells Fargo Small Business; Small Business Administration Paycheck Protection Program
● Citibank; The Paycheck protection Program
● PNC; Paycheck Protection Program
Héctor Yusti, MBA
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