Pembroke Pines 4 Chairs from Relocating Out of State Dentist

Pembroke Pines, FL 33026, USA


  • Medical-Retail Plaza


Pembroke Pines 4 Chairs Dental office from Relocating Out of State Dentist located in a Professional Building on Palm Ave with good anchor tenants, which means office can get foot traffic patients. Office used to make $250k annual Collections with PPO’s & FFS patients, and Doctor’s “ONLY” working the office 3 days per week. Staff is willing to stay with the right Buyer. Pembroke Pines Dental Office is a Truly Turn-key Practice Business since the future Buyer opens office’s door with a robust patient database that has been nurturing practice business for over 16 years, also new Dentist-Owner needs to buy nothing, everything is included with the sale of the office, such as a modern chep-pano. Pembroke Pines Office pays average monthly rent $2,700 and must be SOLD because Seller is relocating up north of the country, doing Seller being open mind to listen serious offers.



  • ID: 4634
  • Published: July 14, 2020
  • Last Update: May 17, 2021
  • Views: 1855