If you plan to sell your practice with us, you will know from the start what fees are involved. On the contrary if you post the listing yourself then there’s no charge.
Find out how much your dental practice is worth with our assessment tool which allows us to generate close to the final number a lender is willing to lend.
Depending on what kind of Dental Practice you are pursuing… it could be just Plumbing Space, “ONLY” Office Assets, Running Business, and/or Running with Owner stays..
Please keep in mind that the perfect spot is a combination of so many factors. Please let us know what you value de most.
There is no big or small budget that we can not work with. We have sold Practices above $ 1M, and also below $ 100k. Just let us know your plans
Are you ready to Sell by your own, Sell by Owner. You can do it in our Classified Ads. No risk involved, but wide exposure